All Sermons
Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:19-34
- EM Outreach Coffeehouse: “All About Light”, will be on June 22, 2018. Please pray about who God is leading you to invite, and pray for preparations. If you’d like to help out, Please let Ken Chan know. Bookmark invitations are available at the ushers table, or invite friends through the Facebook event.
- Thanksgiving Baptism/membership Transfer: If you are interested in being baptized or transferring membership in our Thanksgiving service (October 7), please let Pastor James or Joyce Wong know. There will be a briefing on July 29.
- FUNcouver “Amazing Athlete” day camp for children ages 5-12 will be held August 13-17, 2018, 9am to 3pm. Registration is full; new registrants will be added to the wait list. We are still looking for more volunteers! If interested, please fill in a volunteer form (at ushers table) and return it to Pastor Justun.