1) The communion set pickup is for members or congregants of SVPGMBC who are believers and have been baptized, and who are participating in our livestream communion services.
2) Please arrange by email with the administrative staff before coming to pick up the sets. You may also pick up for family members who will participate in communion by notifying the administrative staff beforehand. Limit is 3 sets per person.
3) Pickup time will be on Wednesday (3pm to 5pm), Friday (2pm to 4pm), or Sunday (9am to 9:30am, 10am to 11am, 1pm to 2pm).
4) The administrative staff will record your name (and family member name/s if you picked up for them) and date of pickup.
5) Please keep the communion sets in the fridge to ensure quality.
6) Before communion service, please wash your hands and prepare the communion set.