ComTech has an external connection via the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) and the North Carolina Network Initiative (NCNI) GigaPop. The Internet gateway service includes: Information on how to request new network services or modify existing services are available at the following address: service level credits or simply service credits, should be the only and exclusive remedy for customers to compensate for service level outages. A service credit deducts an amount from the total amount payable under the contract if the service provider does not meet performance and performance standards. Security: In these hyper-regulated times, attacks on applications and network security can be costly. Measuring controllable security measures, such as antivirus updates and patches, is the key to proving that in the event of an incident, all reasonable preventive measures have been taken. In addition to defining the services to be provided, the contract should also document how services should be controlled, including how data is collected and reported, how often it is verified, and who is involved in the audit. A Service Level Contract (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents the services provided by the provider and sets out the service standards that the provider is required to meet. In addition to defining performance metrics, an ALS may include a downtime and documentation management plan, as the service provider compensates clients for violations. Service credits are a typical remedy. For example, service providers may provide credits commensurated with the period during which they exceeded the ALS performance guarantee. A service provider may limit performance penalties to a maximum dollar amount to limit the risk.
SLAs are available for almost all types of service, from traditional T-carrier services to frame relays. Internet service providers (ISPs) also offer SLAs for ip-based virtual private networks (VPNs), intranets and ex-trannets.