Special containment procedure: Websites that will consider that you host SCP-2221 instances will be isolated for review and civilian users will be blocked by those sites. A team of Class C employees must conduct an ongoing search of websites and software that require the user to accept an end-user license agreement and verify all of these agreements for signs of PCS-2221. Article 191 “You accept that friends of Amicus LLC2 may have access to your consciousness to exert unconscious influence and/or temporarily exceed consciousness for a period of 72 (72) hours over a period of one week.” Article 216 “You and the friends of Amicus LLC agree that any attempt to violate or alter the terms of this agreement or to sue Friends of Amicus LLC must be decided by arbitration before the Serene Court.” 3 In October 2012, Site 614 contacted the O5 Council to report armed mobs attacking the city`s foundations. It immediately appears that these groups have inside information about the Foundation: they demand that the Foundation be sued for the CPS, SCP, SCP, SCP, SCP-A and 34 foundation collaborators. The site 614 employees are selected for review. Field officers from Site 115 and Site 621 are sent to the local manager under the command of site manager Susan Pritchard to observe and report the local population of 2221 A, POP-044-2221-A. Due to the continuing political turmoil in the region, the Foundation adopts a rigorously conceited attitude and repels the constant attacks on the foundation`s facilities without meeting the needs in kind. However, the study of computers on site 614 shows that many employees have used software that hosts a PCS-2221 instance. The consensus within the Foundation is based on the belief that the information disclosed came from the Staff of the Foundation, infiltrated by the friends of the Amicus. It is not clear that the failure to find and report this SCP-2221 case was due to negligence or wilful sabotage. The attacks on site 614 in October were initially attributed to the Republic of Letters, which quickly took responsibility for the leak of information that led to the attacks. At this point, the Foundation does not know large populations of 2221-A in ” and the assertions of the Republic of Letters are accepted.
Attacks on local prisons are also noted. While local security forces repelled most of these attacks, prisons were imprisoned in prisons overrun by mobs. Prisoners in both places are dragged and lynched outside, including prisoners who have committed only minor crimes such as vandalism. Over the next four months, changes will be observed in the religious practices of the local Sunni Muslim majority. Many local mosques begin to announce the call to prayer eight times a day instead of the traditional five. Decorative knots are seen hanging in the doors, often adorned with colorful scarves in elaborate patterns. Several imams, believed to be cases of 2221-A, are mentioned to add an additional prophet, “Sadiq,” to the traditional Islamic list of prophets.4 When pushed for further information about Sadiq, these imams are confused and deny Sadiq`s knowledge. Until April 2013, the communities concerned began calling for prayer up to thirty times a day.
With little time left for other activities, attacks on the foundation`s facilities cease. POP-044-2221-A distributes printed versions of SCP-2221, transforming almost all adult members of the affected communities in the event of 2221-A.