May It Be So: Forty Days with the Lord’s Prayer by Justin McRoberts, Scott Erickson (Illustrator)

Reviewed by Joyce Wong

This book is a quick read (but going through it more slowly for reflection is recommended!) consisting of 40 brief guided prayers paired with contemplative images, and reflections on the Lord’s Prayer, as a starting point for our own prayers and ongoing conversations with God. I appreciated how the authors began the book with a reminder that “The essence of prayer is the love of God, not our ability to pray” (7). The authors see Jesus’ heart behind teaching us the Lord’s Prayer as giving us “a way to delve into the vital, substantial, and extant reality that you and I are loved by God and empowered to love others likewise” (8). I appreciated the way the guided prayers and reflections challenged me in my heart, mind, perspective, and relationships. I became more aware of how some of my assumptions or expectations may limit God (His work in my life), others, or myself in unhelpful ways. The prayer of “Grant me assurance of Your presence and love” was repeated throughout the book, in the end becoming “May I be a constant and faithful reminder of Your presence and love” (121). It is through experiencing God’s presence and love that we are empowered and moved to share His presence and love, and I pray He will grow that deep assurance of His love and presence in us as we engage with Him in prayer, His Word, and community.


Tags: Christian Living / Spiritual Growth (LIV or DEV), joyce wong, justin mcroberts


*Disclaimer: Individual reviews are the reviewer’s own personal opinions and may not necessarily represent Mennonite Brethren doctrine or be in accordance with the Mennonite Brethren Statement of Faith (